Transformation Tribe Membership
The Transformation Tribe is an interactive community where I help you develop a strong, healthy, and loving relationship with yourself so you can shed shame, insecurity, anxiety, overwhelm, burnt out, and self-doubt and embrace confidence, calm, clarity, balance, and a strong sense of self-worth to lead and live a successful and fulfilled life.

Transformation Tribe Membership
The Transformation Tribe is an interactive community where I help you develop a strong, healthy, and loving relationship with yourself so you can shed shame, insecurity, anxiety, overwhelm, burnt out, and self-doubt and embrace confidence, calm, clarity, balance, and a strong sense of self-worth to lead and live a successful and fulfilled life.
Heal to serve and serve to heal.
For many years I was ashamed of my mere existence. I felt shame for what I had and hadn’t achieved. I felt shame for who I was and who I wasn’t. I felt shame for what I did and didn’t possess. I felt shame for what I did and didn’t look like. I felt shame for things I said and things I didn’t say. I felt shame for what I loved and what I hated. To avoid shame I devalued, discredited, and dumbed myself down. I had weak boundaries and I was a chronic people pleaser. Ugh.
Thankfully, I sought help. I dove all in to developing a loving relationship with myself and it has changed my life. I enrolled in workshops, courses, read hundreds of books, listened to podcasts, went to therapy, spent a lot of time in prayer, got my own coach, and after procrastinating (fearfully) for years, I finally enrolled myself in school and earned my Life Coach certification.
It is now my mission to help you transform your life from the inside out by cultivating a loving relationship with yourself. One that is free of shame, guilt, criticism, insecurity, and self-doubt and full of self-love, compassion, grace, confidence, and self-acceptance. In my opinion, there is nothing more admirable than a person who truly knows themselves and lives by that truth. Accepting ourselves, being authentic and confident in who we were created to be and living with integrity – that is successful living!
This membership provides a safe place where we come together to be heard, seen, understood, and best of all build meaningful connections and support one another in managing all of life’s challenges. Improving any area of your life starts with developing a loving relationship with yourself. Inner transformation = outer growth.
Self-development allows us to grow by understanding and decoding our emotions and expressing them in healthy ways to work for us and not against us. We work through the fears that block us, cause insecurity, self-criticism, shame, and guilt. We build boundaries, recover from people pleasing, incorporate self-care, forgiveness, compassion, grace, and love for ourselves which transforms every aspect of our lives.

In our sessions we uncover our limiting beliefs which cause us to keep ourselves small, procrastinate, and control. We detox from critical self-talk by developing a relationship with ourselves that is self-empowering instead of self-sabotaging.
Each week I will coach you live using neuroscience and my ASK method to guide you through the process of building a stronger mindset and healthy relationship with yourself. All the stuff it takes to develop a more resilient and joyful you.
Bonus! You have access to membership only messaging with me and amongst group members, all previously recorded coaching calls, a space for questions & feedback, transformation tips, resources, and a place to set goals, share wins, and empower one another. This, my friend is a community where you are surrounded by individuals who want to see you thrive and succeed in every area of life.
But here’s the thing – you’ve got to want a better life. If you continue to walk around talking to yourself and to others about what you can’t do, can’t be, can’t have, can’t succeed in… You won’t do, be, have, or succeed in any of the things you truly value. The things that make you feel alive and whole.

The Transformation Tribe Membership is for you if:
- You’re sick of wasting time worrying.
- You’re sick of wasting your energy being anxious.
- You’re sick of compromising your physical health feeling trapped in an unfit body.
- You’re sick of being mentally drained.
- You’re sick of the emotional toll stress is playing in your personal and professional life.
- You’re sick of feeling stuck, lost, and without purpose.
You’re sick of feeling powerless in your professional or personal life.
You’re sick of succumbing to your weak boundaries and constant people pleasing.
The Transformation Tribe Membership is for you if you’re serious about moving forward:
- You are ready to transform your inner self and outer life.
- You are seeking a community of like-minded, inspiring people for connection and support.
- You are ready to focus on where you’re going instead of being miserable and stuck in the past.
- You are ready to conquer your fears and stop the negative self-talk that is holding you back.
- You are ready to overcome shame, people pleasing, anxiety, and build better boundaries.
- You have an idea of what you want in your life, you just don’t know how to make it a reality.
- You are willing to put your ideas into action.
- You want to improve your relationships.
- You are committed to improving your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health.
Warning: Benefits are highly contagious.
Simply showing up to observe has a ripple effect on your well-being and could be life altering. I invite you to join this amazing and empowering group and sign up to the Transformation Tribe today!
Join today as a founding member for $9.99/month.
(after one time $19.99 non-refundable enrollment fee)
Price will increase to $14.99/month on September 1, 2022