Client Coaching Agreement 


Welcome to coaching! I am happy to have you as a client. It is important to begin our relationship with a clear understanding about our work together, so that we can focus on achieving the outcomes you desire. Please read the agreement carefully before signing.

Definition of Coaching: Coaching is a professional partnership in which we work together to clarify areas that you would like to improve and in which you would like to work toward achieving your desired outcomes. Coaching is distinct from consulting in that I will help you come up with your own answers rather than advising. It is different from therapy in that we will address any obstacles that keep you from achieving your goals, but we will not engage in therapy or any psychological area that requires specific licensing.

The Coaching Engagement: Our coaching engagement can be customized to meet your individual needs. 

During our first session, The Discovery Session, we will explore your concerns in depth so I can better my understanding of who you are, your values, interests, and areas you are seeking transformation and growth. I reserve 90 minutes for this session. All subsequent sessions will be 50 minutes.

Our sessions will be held in person, by telephone, or Zoom / Google Meet / Facetime. 

If by phone: At the time of our appointment, I will call you.

If by Zoom or Google Meet: I will send you a link and password for you to sign in at our scheduled time.

If by Facetime: At the time of our appointment, I will FT you.



Payment is due prior to the first session. If you wish to terminate the coaching relationship you will be refunded for 50% of the remaining sessions in your package.

Keeping Appointments: Coaching is a commitment. I encourage you to keep your regularly scheduled appointments, as the results of our work together are cumulative. The best results usually happen because of your dedication, consistency, and follow-through. Even if you feel unprepared, there is value to be gained from exploring what’s going on. If you are late for an appointment, the agreed-upon schedule will still apply, and the session will end at the scheduled time.

Missed Appointment: I understand that emergencies can happen to anyone; therefore, if an emergency keeps you from attending a session, please contact me whenever possible to let me know of the circumstances. Such events as a family emergency, serious accidents or illness are considered “emergencies.” In all other circumstances, if you miss a session without notice or cancel less than 24 hours in advance, the full fee for the session will be charged.


The Coach’s Responsibility: I am committed to supporting you in achieving your desired outcomes and having each session be meaningful and productive. I agree to conduct myself professionally and maintain the ethics and standards set by the International Coaching Federation.


I will not offer advice in any area in which I am not qualified and will, upon request, assist you in finding a trained or licensed professional for any matter that is outside my scope of expertise.

Confidentiality: Your identity as a coaching client and all communications between us will be held as strictly confidential, to the extent permitted by law, unless you give me permission to disclose specific information. While the coach-client relationship is not privileged and I may be required to disclose confidential information in a legal proceeding, it is highly unlikely that this will occur. In the event there is evidence that you are a potential danger to yourself or another, or that you disclose illegal activity, I am ethically bound to report it to the appropriate authority.

Release of Information:

As a professional coach, I engage in training and continuing education to pursue and/or maintain credentials with the International Coaching Federation. That process requires that I provide the names and contact information of clients for possible verification of my client contact hours by the ICF. 

By submitting the form below, you agree to have only your name, contact information, and start and end dates of coaching shared with ICF staff members and/or other parties involved in this process for the sole purpose of verifying the coaching relationship. No personal notes or other information will be shared. If you refuse to agree with any of these terms, please contact Jamie Berris at Results Life Coaching (616) 560-0642 or by email at [email protected]


The Client’s Responsibility:  You understand that you are responsible for keeping the agreements stated in this document, as well as any actions you take as a result of coaching, and for maintaining your own well-being. 

I ask you to take responsibility for creating value and results for yourself, to ask for what you want in each session, and to give me feedback about what works or doesn’t work for you, so that I can be most effective in assisting you.

Open Communication: I agree to communicate openly and honestly and to share my observations gently and compassionately as we work together. To build trust, I encourage you to be open and honest with me, as we will get the best results from coaching if you share the full picture with me.

Communication Between Sessions: Please feel free to email, text or leave messages on my voicemail. If your concern is urgent, please let me know and I will get back to you as soon as I possibly can. 

I am happy to support you briefly through text or over the phone when I am free of other commitments. If we do have extended communication, this will be deducted as one of your sessions in your package or billed separately in 15-minute blocks at the rate of $20.00.

Copyright:  During the coaching process, I may assign you materials that are copyrighted by Jamie Berris and Results Life Coaching. Please note that these are for your use only and may not be shared in any form, printed or electronic, with any third party. If you wish to arrange for their use, please contact Jamie Berris at Results Life Coaching (616) 560-0642 or by email at [email protected]

Termination:  Because a good termination process is important to your personal growth, please give me at least a one-session notice. This will give us the opportunity to review your concerns, discuss further steps you can take, and say goodbye in a meaningful and complete way. I care about you.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns at any time during our coaching engagement. I look forward to having you as a client and helping you transform, grow, and create the life you deserve and love!