Daily Planning & Self-Development

Welcome to your life! A place to plan your days and develop yourself through daily prompts that empower you to live an authentically real, raw, and successful life.
It’s easy to get caught up in the crazy busy, do more, be more world, both personally and professionally, only to find yourself feeling less than fulfilled and burnt out. This planner is designed to help you make yourself a priority and put yourself on your to-do list.
Each thought-provoking quote and journal prompt will help you develop a better relationship with yourself through self-awareness and a daily self-care call to action.
This planner is meant to be your assistant in designing the life you desire. You are not a slave to the outside world and your to-do list. You are the creator of your life experience, and this is your personal manifestation guide.
This is where you get to envision and design who you want to be (your optimal self) and what you want to attract in your life. You will be guided through visionary work, bucket lists, physical/mental/ emotional/spiritual self-assessments, the implementation of healthy habits (while ditching bad habits), setting boundaries, brain dumping for problem resolution, and tracking your goals and successes.
This book promises to assist you in creating an authentic life you love and helps you find empowerment, purpose, and peace every day. You’ve got one shot at life. Live it to its fullest! Rooting for you! Be real. Be raw. Be authentic. Jamie