Your Empowering Source for Life Transformation
Life Coaching
Growth and life transformation comes from within. Self-development is not self-preoccupation. When you develop yourself, you think less of yourself and your problems and more about what you can give to others – the positive impact you can make in the world.
Jamie Berris
Results Life Coaching
Helping People Overcome
My goal is to help you develop yourself so you can overcome patterns of weak boundaries, perfectionism, shame, toxic thinking, people pleasing, control, narcissistic behaviors, passivity, emotional drain, and the like.
- Self-loathing is selfish and self-centered because you are constantly on your mind taking inventory of your faults, fears, and problems.
- Searching for your truth and validation outside yourself will lead you down a path farther away from you – your happiness.
Helping You Develop
I believe the key to living a successful life begins with developing a loving relationship with ourselves. Everything in life flows from this relationship – everything! When we love and accept ourselves, we let go of the self-sabotaging problems and pain that block us from the good life.
Applying Neuroscience
This isn’t about taping positive affirmations (that deep down you don’t believe) around the house, car, office, and on your forehead. Noooo. This is applying neuroscience, taking action to work through all your toxic stuff that blocks you from living the life you yearn for. It’s not about erasing all problems, fears, shame, and hurt from our lives. It’s about using all of your failures, pain, fears, and shame to work for you and not against you to recreate your life from the inside out. Are you ready to let go of all those false beliefs that keep you stuck as your own prisoner?

Feeling Stuck,
chronically depleted, full of anxiety, overwhelm and frustration? Have you lost yourself, your sense of purpose or direction? Are you physically, mentally, and emotionally in a rut? What about your relationships, career, or spirituality? Are they healthy and meaningful connections?
From the outside we look like we have it all together. But on the inside? Chaos. We’re burnt-out. Exhausted from people-pleasing. Paralyzed by perfection. Resentful and angry. Suffering from weak boundaries. Riddled with self-doubt and criticism. Sinking in shame. Frozen by fear. Stuck in a stressed-out, maxed-out rut.
I get it. I can relate.
You are not alone. So, what keeps so many incredible, even high achieving people from living a fulfilled life? A toxic mindset which leads to destructive thinking, chronic toxic feelings, and self-destruction.
That’s where I come in – when chasing the life you desire is no longer inspiring but defeating. Maybe you’ve landed on this page because you’re done. Done allowing all that outside stuff to control and dictate you. Done feeling like not enough. Done settling. Done living beneath your potential. Done living an unhealthy life and carrying excess weight. Done living a frantic, yet purposeless life of survival. Done giving the world permission to mow you down because your boundaries are weak.
Whatever you want to change in your life – it all begins with reconciling the relationship you have with yourself. Yep, all that self love and acceptance stuff that makes many of us cringe, combined with neuroscience-based techniques to reinvent your mindset and uplevel your life. Building resilience involves making real changes in the makeup of our minds. When we commit to this process of changing our inner mechanisms – our lives truly change. As we become more whole and committed to ourselves, to our inner work, every area of our life improves.

You are worthy and deserve to enjoy and live a full life. It’s not about seeking perfection or expecting all our problems to vanish. That’s unrealistic. Every moment of our lives isn’t awesome, and yet, no matter where you are at this moment you can begin to build a better relationship with yourself and create:
Confidence | Emotional Intelligence & Mental Strength |
Peace / Calm | Physical Wellness |
Self-acceptance | Forgiveness |
Balance | Meaningful Relationships |
Success | Productivity |
Healthy Boundaries | Fun & Laughter |
Anxiety / Overwhelm | Anger |
Procrastinating | Depression |
Self-Doubt & Criticism | Resent |
Exhaustion | Self-Pity |
Worry | Envy |
Rumination | Insecurity |
Results Life Coaching
I help you develop a better relationship with yourself, uncover your blocks and fears, get unstuck, and transform your life.
Life Coaching
Jamie Specializes in Relationship &
Life Transformation Coaching
- Channeling Anxiety & Overwhelm
- Self-Worth /Self-Acceptance
- Shedding Shame
- Overcoming People Pleasing
- Implementing Healthy Boundaries
- Goal Planning & Execution
- Procrastination/Perfectionism
- Value Clarification
- Life Balance
- Relationships
- Personal/Professional growth
- Life Purpose
- Physical Fitness
- Life Transitions/Transformation
- Mental Strength & Emotional Intelligence
- Parenting

What is coaching?
Coaching focuses on moving a client from where they are to where they want to be. A motivated client is someone seeking to change, enhance, or transform their life. As your coach, we work together to establish what you wish to overcome or attain by asking powerful questions, devising plans, and helping you stay accountable to achieve your desired outcome.
How can you really help and support me through my problems?
The problem is we are more committed to settling with all our drama, dysfunction, and toxic waste than we are about getting a little uncomfortable, unloading it, and working through it to create lasting change. I guide you through the change process one step at a time.
Is coaching right for me?
Coaching is highly beneficial if you are ready to commit to the process of change and growth. I provide helpful insight and understanding, within a safe, confidential, and non-judgmental environment. Our time is spent processing difficulties and blocks, uncovering limiting beliefs, implementing solutions, and building mental strength and resilience to move forward.
When should I seek coaching?
Coaching is beneficial anytime. We all have fears, problems, and obstacles and thrive when we have the appropriate help and support to navigate the route through.
How long will coaching take to be effective?
Immediately. No really! From the very first session you get to do a whole lot of mental dumping and that, my friend, feels wonderful and is highly beneficial in moving forward. From there we start the self-awareness process. We immediately get your mind working for you instead of against you by using my ASK technique based in neuroscience.
How does coaching rewire my brain?
Emotions aren’t bad, in fact they are wonderful – even the bad ones! They are our body and mind communicating with us giving off feel-good vibes and warning signals that need our attention. Emotions only become a problem when we don’t deal with them, or we express them in unhealthy ways through addiction, abuse, control, and manipulation. Mindset coaching helps us understand what our emotions are trying to tell us so we can challenge toxic thought patterns, problem solve, and rewire our minds with healthy and empowering knowledge to thrive in life.
A Bit About Me
STUFF ABOUT ME – This is the spot where I list all my qualifications and quirks and you get to decide if you trust me with all your guts and glory.
About Jamie Berris
Jamie believes the relationship you have with yourself dictates all aspects of life. It is the funnel through which all other relationships flow. Including, but not limited to, the relationships you have with others, your body, career, money, food, your problems, and values.
As a life coach I empower you with the knowledge, tools, and techniques to get you results. Wherever you feel stuck or if you’re sick of living in a constant state of anxiety and exhaustion or simply feel unfulfilled in life.
Certified Life Coach
I’m a Certified Life Coach through The Life Purpose Institute. I also have a Health Science degree in Corporate Fitness & Wellness. I taught group fitness for 13 years and have been coaching and empowering people in health and wellness for – forever!
Married with 4 Children
Being married for 22 years with 4 children I know a thing or two about relationships, family dynamics (and how our offspring can suck the life out of us when we don’t have healthy boundaries).
We have one of those digital picture frames in our kitchen and every time it displays a non-posed picture of my kids or husband in action doing what they love, I feel like crying tears of joy (and I often do).
Author & Self-Publisher
I’ve authored and self-published two Women’s Fiction books, Whispering Waves and Us Three all things friendship, drama, family saga, and relationships. I’m currently writing non-fiction self-development/life transformation books and workbooks to help you (and me) on the self-development journey.
Active Lifestyle
I’m one of those crazy people who love to run. When I’m feeling extra crazy, I lift weights, do yoga, hike, bike, ski, swim, and best of all, slow down and take walks with the hubs and our dog, Roxi.
My Happy
A book and a beach make me happy. A piece of dark chocolate every day makes me happy. Lounging in the boat and watching my kids wake surf makes me happy.
I love to travel and do touristy, adventurous activities (that usually have me swearing at my husband fearing for my life).
I love to play cards and board games – it’s a quality time thing.
I need a show. I watch zero TV.
Meaningful Connections
I have amazing friends – those that tolerate my need for meaningful connections and looong in-depth conversations about life! You know who you are and I love you.
My Mission
It is my mission to help others cultivate and nurture the most important relationship in their lives – the one they have with themselves. Everything in life flows from the relationship we have with ourselves. In my opinion, there is nothing more admirable than a person who truly knows themselves and lives by that truth. Accepting ourselves, being authentic and confident in who we were created to be and living with integrity – that is successful living!
A Bit About Me
STUFF ABOUT ME – This is the spot where I list all my qualifications and quirks and you get to decide if you trust me with all your guts and glory.

About Jamie Berris
Jamie believes the relationship you have with yourself dictates all aspects of life. It is the funnel through which all other relationships flow. Including, but not limited to, the relationships you have with others, your body, career, money, food, your problems, and values.
As a life coach I empower you with the knowledge, tools, and techniques to get you results. Wherever you feel stuck or if you’re sick of living in a constant state of anxiety and exhaustion or simply feel unfulfilled in life.
Certified Life Coach
I’m a Certified Life Coach through The Life Purpose Institute. I also have a Health Science degree in Corporate Fitness & Wellness. I taught group fitness for 13 years and have been coaching and empowering people in health and wellness for – forever!
Married with 4 Children
Being married for 22 years with 4 children I know a thing or two about relationships, family dynamics (and how our offspring can suck the life out of us when we don’t have healthy boundaries).
We have one of those digital picture frames in our kitchen and every time it displays a non-posed picture of my kids or husband in action doing what they love, I feel like crying tears of joy (and I often do).
Author & Self-Publisher
I’ve authored and self-published two Women’s Fiction books, Whispering Waves and Us Three all things friendship, drama, family saga, and relationships. I’m currently writing non-fiction self-development/life transformation books and workbooks to help you (and me) on the self-development journey.
Active Lifestyle
I’m one of those crazy people who love to run. When I’m feeling extra crazy, I lift weights, do yoga, hike, bike, ski, swim, and best of all, slow down and take walks with the hubs and our dog, Roxi.
My Happy
A book and a beach make me happy. A piece of dark chocolate every day makes me happy. Lounging in the boat and watching my kids wake surf makes me happy.
I love to travel and do touristy, adventurous activities (that usually have me swearing at my husband fearing for my life).
I love to play cards and board games – it’s a quality time thing.
I need a show. I watch zero TV.
Meaningful Connections
I have amazing friends – those that tolerate my need for meaningful connections and looong in-depth conversations about life! You know who you are and I love you.
My Mission
It is my mission to help others cultivate and nurture the most important relationship in their lives – the one they have with themselves. Everything in life flows from the relationship we have with ourselves. In my opinion, there is nothing more admirable than a person who truly knows themselves and lives by that truth. Accepting ourselves, being authentic and confident in who we were created to be and living with integrity – that is successful living!
So that’s me. Over here on a mission to help others help themselves. Whatever it is you’ve got going on – bring it. I’ll be your loyal mentor, source of empowerment, accountability partner, and friend…except I’m not afraid to tell it like it is, hard truths and all, minus the fluff. I’ll load you with powerful and proven methods and teach you how to free yourself from the shackles that have been holding you back and apply what it takes to live a life you love.
Building A Better You Blog
Enough Already
If I focus on what I have, I’ll always have more than enough. If I focus on what I don’t have, I’ll never have enough. Why do we think we aren’t enough? Productive enough. Talented enough. Lovable enough. Compassionate enough. Smart enough. Skinny enough. Wealthy...
The Upside of Jealousy and Downside of Envy
Jealousy inspires. There is a big difference between jealousy and envy. Jealousy is a sign communicating we want something or admire something. It is an opportunity for us to go after what we desire whether that is a personality trait, a position, a relationship we...
5 Tips to Transform from Control Freak to Freedom from Control
How do you feel when someone is trying to control you? Angry or defensive? How do you feel when you’re trying to control someone or a situation? Anxious, frustrated, or exhausted? Control means I need to control you for you to be who I need you to be, for me. Catch...
15 Questions to Help Strengthen Relationships
Do you want a listening ear or advice?What am I getting right?Where could I improve?What makes you feel appreciated?How can I help you?What’s on your mind?What quality do you admire in others?What have you wanted to communicate but don’t know how or feel scared...
22 Questions for 2022
Let’s back up a bit. 2020 taught many of us valuable lessons and prompted a list of questions I wanted to continually ask myself in 2021. I did okay, they were vague and mostly floated around in my head. But then as 2022 started to unfold I was ready commit and live...
9 Values That Shape My Boundaries
Identifying our values is important when it comes to creating boundaries. It helps us stay true to who we are without letting feelings of guilt, shame, or fear get in the way and cause us to make poor decisions. Values are our personal code of ethics, our morals, and...
Transformation Tools

Constant Anxiety and Overwhelm stops here!
Relaxing is for lazy people. If I accomplish this, I’m valuable. Once I succeed at that, I’ll be happy. I must do it all- perfectly. It’s my job to keep the peace and make everyone happy. Achieving earns respect. Avoid failure at all costs. The only truth to these statements is that they must be unlearned. We live in a permanent state of anxiety and overwhelm when we are constantly trying to earn our worth.
- Do you feel like you must constantly be doing, achieving, and pleasing?
- In what ways does anxiety/overwhelm limit you from living the life you want to live?
- How is anxiety/overwhelm affecting your attitude, behaviors, and actions?
- What would it feel like to work through and release anxiety/overwhelm and reside in a state freedom and peace?

People pleasing dismissed!
“I’m so sick of being everything to everyone every second of the day! I’m sapped, completely depleted and kind of mad at the people that have sucked the life out of me. OK fine, I’m pissed off – resentful!” I hear it repeatedly from my clients. In fact, I too marinated this thought in my head for years while I willingly kept adding my secret sauce – people pleasing.
- Where are you begrudgingly or compulsively giving?
- How does your fear of not being worthy, feeling liked or loved, provoke people pleasing?
- This may sting – did you know people pleasing is a manipulative way of meeting our own needs through other people?
- What void or needs are you trying to fill by pleasing?
- Does people pleasing leave you depleted and resentful?

Boundaries are a must!
Bottom line, boundaries are about being accountable and responsible for yourself and NOT accountable or responsible for other people (small children are the exception). Boundaries are mature, loving, and healthy. Boundaries are not demanding, controlling, and selfish. Appropriate boundaries keep us safe and protected from all kinds of physical, mental, and emotional harm.
- In what areas do your boundaries need strengthening: around your time, energy, physical space, possessions, attention, environments?
- Who or what are you trying to fix or rescue and take responsibility for by having weak boundaries?
When implementing boundaries do you feel guilt or shamed or loved and respected? - What would it feel like to listen to your inner wisdom and express your boundaries confidently without fear of conflict or letting someone down?

Sayonara shame!
We feel body shame, status shame, stupidity shame, money shame, and identity shame. Shame for our actions and behaviors. Shame for having too much or too little. Shame for success and shame for failure. Shame from our past. Shame for feeling miserable in the present and hopeless for the future. Sadly, I felt ashamed of my mere existence for years. But I have successfully kicked the shaming sh*t show and can help you too!
- How has shame reshaped your identity?
- Where does shame show up in your life and prevent you from being your authentic self?
- Shame can be crippling. Where do you feel frozen or paralyzed?
- How can you identify shame in the moment and confront it head on?

Approve of yourself!
You are valuable because you are a human be-ing. Just being human means, you are already accepted, approved, validated. Here’s an idea – love and accept yourself so fiercely that others can see and learn how it’s done!
- Why do we try so hard to win the approval from other people – who don’t even approve of themselves?
- Instead of working so hard and forcing others to accept us – wouldn’t it be easier and less draining (on everyone) to simply love and accept ourselves?
- Are you stuck in a pattern of seeking outside validation, receiving invalidation, and feeling unworthy?
- What if your confidence was fueled by accepting yourself instead of acceptance from others?

Your relationship with You is top priority!
Hello, You! I can’t speak enough about how important it is to nurture and develop a healthy and loooving relationship with yourself. Bottom line – if you don’t, everything else in life suffers.
Yep, ev-er-y-thing!
- How do you talk to yourself – with encouragement and kindness or self-doubt and criticism?
- What are you doing to care for your physical and mental health and wellness? Sleep-exercise-hydration-coaching/therapy-rest-nutrition-fun-laughter?
- What can you do to develop your relationship with yourself to keep YOU grounded and living in alignment with your values?
- In what ways can you connect with yourself and your inner wisdom daily? Journaling-meditation-prayer-breathing
Recreate your mindset to recreate your life. Schedule a 30-minute complimentary call.
Is Coaching for You?
Would You Rather…
1. Stay stuck, complain and be miserable?
2. Stay where you are, be grateful and content?
3. Figure out what you want, commit, and go for it?
If you resonate with number 3, I’d love to help you go after it!